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Literature Quiz
Elen sila lumen omentielo, this elvish phrase translates into which of the following?
In the "Harry Potter" books, whose rat was Scabbers?
Which character in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" can put a "girdle about the earth in 40 minutes"?
In "The Grim Grotto" by Lemony Snicket, what mountain are the Baudelaires traveling down?
For what baseball team does author Stephen King root?
In "The Watcher", on what island did the three teenagers meet?
Which book begins with the line "The American handed Leamus another cup of coffee...." ?
In Chinese mythology, how many Dragon Kings are there?
Which country's name comes from an Iroquois word for "village"?
Which author wrote the 2012 romance novel "Me Before You"?
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