Impossible History Quiz
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Average Score: 9
88% knows the answer to this question:
"Who was the Roman emperor during the Great Fire of Rome in July 64 AD?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Which British Armed Force celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2018 with a flyby of 100 aircraft over London?"
Are you a real historian? Then you should at least be able to get these questions right!
Average Score: 6
47% knows the answer to this question:
"In 1992, nearly 60 people died and as much as $1 billion in damage was done in what city, after the officers who beat Rodney King were acquitted?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Signed in 2004 by 12 nations, the Cuzco Declaration was meant to lead what continent to a European Union styled federation?"
Can you score a 7 or better in this History Trivia?
Average Score: 7
83% knows the answer to this question:
"Sharing a name with something astronauts drink, what Chinese dynasty ruled when China was by far the world's most advanced country?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What country did the Mughal emperors rule from the Red Fort in Delhi?"
Take this very hard quiz about history and show us your knowledge.
Average Score: 5
42% knows the answer to this question:
"Which of these disasters happened first?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Leif Eriksson heard that Bjarni Herjolfsson had spotted what part of the world, which he went to try and find himself?"
10 Questions
Average Score: 8
85% knows the answer to this question:
"What historical period signified the rebirth of music, art and literature?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"In the rich mythical Greek imagery there was room for a warlike people of women, the protagonists of numerous wars and great riders. Who were they?"
Do You Take This Challenge?
Average Score: 7
62% knows the answer to this question:
"What long-standing South African policy was discontinued in 1990?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is thought to be the only man-made object that can be seen with the naked eye from outer space?"
See if you can handle this hard History quiz!
Average Score: 6
76% knows the answer to this question:
"Col TE Lawrence adopted native garb and fomented a revolt against the Ottoman Empire. By whom?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"The sun never set on which empire, whose reach colored wide swathes of a world map red?"
Trouble in paradise!
Enter this quiz and show him he isn't that smart!
Average Score: 7
52% knows the answer to this question:
"What candy bar was named after a popular dance?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine for what disease?"
History Quiz
Extremely Hard Quiz
Average Score: 7
37% knows the answer to this question:
"A purple stripe on a Roman tunic was a sign of what?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who was Pancho Villa?"
Can you score a 7 or higher?
If you can you are pretty smart!
Average Score: 8
88% knows the answer to this question:
"Which German was nicknamed the 'Desert Fox'?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who was the Russian city of St. Petersburg founded by?"
Are you a real American?
Show us by scoring higher than a 4!
Average Score: 8
31% knows the answer to this question:
"Who was United States Secretary of State from 1973-1977
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What was the name of President George Washington's wife?"
If you are younger than 40 you will have a hard time in this quiz!
History Quiz
Average Score: 7
87% knows the answer to this question:
"Jimmy Page was the lead guitarist of which band?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What type of currency is used in Finland?"