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How much do you know about food and beverages?

Question 1
The name of which fruit comes from its Latin name meaning 'Persian fruit'?
Question 2
Which candy has a colourful, crispy shell?
Question 3
Gallo pinto is a rice-and-bean dish. What two countries argue over credit for inventing it?
Question 4
What year were potato chips first sold in grocery stores?
Question 5
Crudo means raw. By what name is it sometimes called in the US (especially in the trendy bits)?
Question 6
Which of these cheesy snacks was inspired by a similar snack from Switzerland?
Question 7
Which cooking program is hosted by Christopher Kimball?
Question 8
What would you be served in a Japanese restaurant if you ordered "Mekajiki"?
Question 9
You often see the letters 'I.P.A.' on a can of beer. What does the 'I' stand for?
Question 10
Which of these is a type of squash?
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